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Tickets now on sale for The Hatter's Requiem

As of this morning, tickets are now on sale for THE HATTER'S REQUIEM at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2024!

We will be performing at a super city centre location at 17:25 each day between 2nd-10th August, so if you fancy a trip to the biggest and most vibrant arts festival in the world, we'll see you there!

If you're not heading to Scotland for the Fringe but know someone who is, then please do tell them about our show - every ticket sold is a boost to our efforts, and is a chance for us to share our stories with someone new. You/they won't be disappointed!

To book your tickets today, click the button below for the cheapest booking fees:

Happy World Theatre Day!

To celebrate World Theatre Day, we thought we'd do a tally of the number of productions that the cast and crew have been involved with in the past ten years. The results are as follows:

Anna - 14
Christie - 32
Francesca - 25
Liza - 33
Shaun - 39

So that's a total of 143 productions that we've done between us in the past ten years. Staggering, huh?! Here's to another ten years of frantically wonderful theatrical experience!


World Theatre Day!

Off to the Edinburgh Fringe, baby!

That's right, The Hatter's Requiem has now been officially registered to be part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024! It takes a lot of work (and even more paperwork) to take a show on the road, and the Fringe Box Office are very particular about what they want, and how they want it formatting. Which all makes sense, when you consider the scale of the whole festival. But it does making signing up to perform a bit of a palaver (palaver? Good word!). Still, all of the information has been submitted, and our publicity copy, images and show details confirmed and approved, so that means that we're all good to go (minus a few bits of additional paperwork, such as PRS licensing, Public Liability Insurance etc.). That's right, in just a matter of weeks our entry for The Hatter's Requiem will be in the Fringe brochure and tickets sales will go live. Exciting times!

Rehearsals for The Hatter's Requiem begin ...

After our first casual read-through last week, rehearsals have now begun in earnest! This is always the most fun part of the process for me, the moments when you see the words leap from the page, gain new life and launch themselves into being in novel - and often unexpectedly brilliant - directions. And our first Hatter's rehearsal was no exception!

We're so lucky to have such a talented bunch of creatives onboard, and everyone brought their A-game from day one. Characters are already starting to emerge through intonation and physicality, and we're rapidly developing the style of the piece, coming to grips with some of the more 'physical theatre' elements of the show. This is something of a learning curve, as it's not a theatrical form any of us have done lots of before, but in pooling our wealth of stage experience and experimenting (and having a good giggle in the process), we're unlocking some new capabilities and enjoying the learning process too. Which at the end of the day is the aim of the game, right?

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